Sisters of Uechi

It’s all in Sanchin that’s what they say, it will take

Many years to master, even if you practice everyday.

Your body, mind and spirit will grow stronger year by year.

You’ll learn to conquer obstacles and face your fears.... (Because...)


You’re a student of Uechi, a sister of Shohei-Ryu,

Part of an extended family, with roots in Pagainoon.


There’s a tiny little island, just south of the Rising Sun,

Home of a peace loving People, with iron will and a sense of fun,

The birthplace of Kanbun Uechi, founder of this unique style,

His ten years with the Shaolin Monks was well worthwhile. Yes...


We’re students of Uechi, sisters of Shohei-Ryu,

Here in Okinawa, to train and make friends too.



We go to meet the masters, who’ve agreed to share with us, some of their

Vast stores of knowledge, of this wondrous martial art.

We share some common values; the main one is Respect,

Courage, Strength and Honor, Goodwill, Peace and Friendship, because...


We’re students of Uechi, sisters of Shohei-Ryu,

Part of an extended family, with roots in Pagainoon.


It’s all in Sanchin that’s what they say, it will take

Many years to master, even if you practice everyday.

Your body, mind and spirit will grow stronger year by year.

You’ll learn to conquer obstacles and face your fears.... Because


You’re a student of Uechi, a sister of Shohei-Ryu,

Part of an extended family, with roots in Pagainoon. Yes


We’re students of Uechi, sisters of Shohei-Ryu,

Here in Okinawa, to train and make friends too.

Here in Okinawa, to train and make friends too.


Written in March 2003, for the Women’s Friendship Tour, April 2004, by participant.

Kim Baril from Alberta, Canada

(Be looking for the audio to this in the near future)


English Text of Shimpo News 4-29-03 Article


Women’s Friendship Tour Marguerite Hess, 3576 N.E.Skyline Drive,  Jensen Beach, Florida 34957  Telephone: (772) 334- 7731 

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